Saturday, December 12, 2009


We are still in Bonaire - we have been having alot of fun and doing alot of snorkeling. We have met some really nice people. Red, on Katana, volunteers for the Turtle Conversancy and she was able to set up a trip for 3 of us cruising ladies to go with the head guy, to see if a nest was ready. We walked all around the island looking for nests and found one that was ready. We dug down and uncovered the babies. So exciting - they were just waking up. We got them started on their way to the sea. When they would go the wrong way or flip on their backs we would pick them up and help them. When they get to the coral it is very difficult for them - they pile up on one another and flip upside down - again we would help them. Then when they reach the surf line - they really get flipped around. We counted 148 babies - it was one of the most exciting things I have ever done.

Baby Turtles

Wow! made it to the sea
two babies

leaving the nest

There were 148 babies altogether

Trying to get to the sea

The coral is bigger than the turtles

Liz holding a newborn

Sunday, December 6, 2009


Liz & Kathy on Makai - Thanksgiving

Sully, a young whale stranded himself in Curacao - the cruisers take

turns babysitting him. They hope to release him back to sea - so far

he follows the ship back to his pen instead of following the other whales.

Our friend the Iguana
Our home

The solar panels - we can play the stereo all night!

Craig & Gerhardus installing solar panels - Curacao

More pink flamingos - Bonaire

Pink flamingo - Bonaire

Craig hoping for bigger surf - Bonaire

Craig ready to snorkel

Craig, Kathy & Fred - Bonaire

We sailed from Curacao to Bonaire about 3 weeks ago. We had a great sail.

Bonaire is one of the best dive spots in the world. The water is very clear - although our friends tell us it not as clear as it was several months ago. There is a bit of a surge going.

We had a great Thanksgiving on Makai - Turkey with all the trimmings.

We did an island tour by car and had a blast. There are great snorkeling and diving spots all around the island as well as wildlife - huge iguanas and lots of pink flamingos.