Saturday, May 8, 2010

San Blas

The No Mas band performing in the West Lemmons
St. Patricks day on Povenir - this island has a restaurant. The pavement behind

Liz is the runway!

A nice way to cool down at the end of the day

The guys at the "tequila bar"

Craig and his harem - every afternoon we would meet at this shallow spot and have

happy hour - usually very short and mellow - this day turned out to be an epic happy hour

and then the party continued until the wee hours on Salida.

happy hour and hang out in the water.

We scored - most of the islands are isolated - no stores - so everyone gets very

excited when the vege boat comes - they come once a week-weather permitting. Rueban the fisherman comes almost everyday - if he caught fish. It is a very healthy way to eat.

The vegetable boat

Kuna ladies selling molas - they really dress like this

A dinghy trip up the river

Craig cleaning the fish - from the water straight to the grill -they are delicious -

Rueben, great fisherman in the West Lemmons.

Craig surfing in Chichimi, San Blas, Panama

more snorkeling